Lesser Prairie Chicken

In the spring, the Prairie Chickens go a-booming and get puffy-chested, which
is just what the females like, but they are beautiful when they show off.
Meet 'n Greet
Tête â tête
Thumbing and booming
Puffing up
Full puff
A visitor to the leks!
The Tallgrass Prairie Preserve houses a wealth of natural finds, the prairie
chicken, bison and the grass itself are just very small portion of the natural
value and resources available. TNC has made remarkable inroads in not only
preserving the habitat, but also restoring it back to its original condition,
weather, grass and bison all contribute to make a natural balance. A vital
part of that balance is prescribed burning, which has become not only an art,
but a valuable tool for the naturalist The background photograph is
of a prescribed burning during the period we were there to check out the
chickens booming.