Slot Canyons
You seen one you seen 'em all-except they are so beautiful! |
Slot Canyons are interesting erosion development. They are formed when
large amounts of water push through an area that doesn't erode very well, so the
erosion takes place on the bottom and not the sides.
Zion National Park - Buckskin Gulch and Wire Pass (Closer to Vermillion Cliffs -
red color) |
The redder and pinker color is due to the layer of
The swirls and abstract formations are still the same.
Almost other worldly.
These were from Wire Pass on the way to Buckskin Gulch
This is in the GSENM area, but further south.
The further south you go the older the layer of soil is
exposed - this is the Vermillion layer.
GSENM - Willis Creek (closer to White Cliffs - white color) |
The layers of the Grand Staircase are Pink, Gray,
White, Vermillion, Chocolate with
This is a higher layer, the white layer in the steps of
the Grand Staircase.
Doesn't matter what color, they are all beautiful
abstract lines of art.
Some you swear are fake, but none are.
At openings and widenings comes great colors.
Some erode in the most peculiar ways.